Saturday, October 6, 2018

Other Things at the Detroit Institute of Arts

So after seeing the Star Wars exhibit, I figured it would be nice to wander around the rest of the museum.  I've been meaning to go there for a while but other things got in the way.  We didn't get to see much since we only had like an hour.  But I got to see enough.
 I'm not sure on many of these artists.  Especially some of the older ones like this.  But I think this is St. Peter's Church in Rome.
 I'm not sure what this one was.
 I think this is supposed to be the Roman soldiers coming to get Jesus in the garden.  You'll notice that many of the clothes represent European clothing of the time.

 A Greek Helmet.
 I think this is a helmet that was used by Gladiators.
 A Grecian vase.
 I kind of liked this intricate ivory carving.
 A pistol.  They have a pretty small weapons and armor collection but there is some nice stuff.
 A suit of armor.  It's amazing how short some of these guys were.
 Another suit of armor.
 A collection of swords.
 I thought this painting was pretty cool.  I liked the detail on the dog.
 I think this was Renoir.
 I'm not sure who did this one.
 A painting by Picasso.
 Another painting by Picasso.
 Probably the most famous piece at the Detroit Institute of Arts is the mural by Diego Rivera.  It was originally commissioned by Henry Ford.
 When he saw this work, he nearly destroyed it.  Fortunately, he didn't.
 It's a pretty powerful piece, although pictures don't do it justice.
 I think this is supposed to be Henry Ford.
 Or this could be.
 The Van Gogh self portrait.
 Another Van Gogh painting.
 And another one.
 A self portrait by Whistler.
 I'm not sure what this one is.
 The Postman by Van Gogh.

 I think this is Gaugain.
 I kind of liked this one.
 This is a painting by George Seurat.  It is made entirely with dots.
 A closeup of that painting.
 I like this one.
 I think this one is on a ferry.
 I kind of liked the detail on this one.
 A painting of the Last Supper.
 A painting of San Francisco.
Another painting by Diego Rivera.

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