Sunday, October 7, 2018

Some Sunset Airplanes

As I was getting ready to leave work on Thursday, I saw that the Royal Jordanian 787 was delayed a little bit and that gave me a chance to go over to the airport to catch it. 
 First up was an A319 arriving from Monterrey, Mexico.
 I kind of liked the light on this one.
 It was followed by another A319.  This one was coming in from Mexico City.
 Another angle of that plane.
 I saw that I was getting a bonus plane.
 Usually the other Fed Ex planes arrive at night but this one was special.
 This one was arriving from Indianapolis.
 I never noticed that these have names.  This one is called "Karina".
 An American 737 arriving from Dallas.
 This A350 was arriving from Beijing.
 It was followed by another plane I like to catch.
 That being Fed Ex flight 505 from Memphis.
 It is an MD-11.
 And then the Royal Jordanian 787 appeared.  I thought that I would be near the wrong runway.
 But it ended up going around the airport to land on the west runway.
I was on the wrong runway for this one but I was able to make it to an okay spot in time.

It's rare that I have a night where I get everything but this was one of them.

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