Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Hunter's Moon Over Ypsilanti

I knew that the full moon was coming and I haven't gotten a decent moon picture in a while before the one from the other night.  I saw some pictures on Facebook, so I decided to go out and take one.
Each month has a different name.  January is called the Wolf Moon, so named because of the howling of wolves because of the scarcity of food.  February is called the Snow Moon because of all the snow.  March is called the Worm Moon because of the worm trails in the newly thawed ground.  April is the Pink Moon after an early species of blooming wildflower.  May is the Flower Moon because of other flowers.  June is the Strawberry Moon because that's when it is typically harvested.  July is the Buck Moon because that's when deer start to regrow their antlers.  August is known as the Sturgeon Moon because that's when the species is abundant.  September is the Harvest Moon for obvious reasons.  October is the Hunter's Moon for other obvious reasons.  November is Beaver Moon because of the abundant beaver activity.  December's is known as the Cold Moon.  A Blue Moon is the second full moon in a calendar month.  Originally it was for the third moon of the four moon season.
This picture was taken with different settings on my camera.  I don't think I like this one as much though.

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