Sunday, November 18, 2018

A Snowy Day in Ypsilanti

I was thinking about doing something today but I saw that it was snowing.  It didn't seem like it was sticking but I didn't really want to deal with the other drivers during an early snow.  So I decided it was a good Wolverine day.  I haven't taken pictures of the Wolverine in a while anyway.
 I liked the way the snow was hanging around, so I decided to take this picture as I was waiting for the train.
 After catching the westbound Wolverine, I decided to wander around town a bit.  I couldn't pass up a picture of the Water Tower.
 This was loosely based on a shot I saw earlier this week.  Around 1908, this picture would have had a street car in it.  It also would have had some houses at the base of the Water Tower.  Both of those are gone now.
 Another shot of the Water Tower.
 I tried to get a shot of Boone Hall.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get a shot of Pierce Hall where it was separate from Boone Hall.
 After a little bit, I decided that I would catch the eastbound Wolverine as well.  While I was waiting, I couldn't pass up this shot of Depot Town.
And a shot looking down Depot Town.

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