Sunday, November 11, 2018

A Union Pacific Engine in Allen Park

As I was heading out to catch the Jackson, I notice an engine parked near the tire.  Since timing on the Jackson was tight, I was hoping that it would still be there when I got back.
 And sure enough it was.  I don't normally see a Union Pacific engine in my neck of the woods but with engine leasing and what not, it happens.
 Based on the condition of the engine, it looks like it was an older one though.
 I decided to get a few different angles of it, since it was just sitting there.
 It's actually not too bad of a spot to catch trains.  I just wish I had a better idea of how many trains pass through there.
 I wanted to get the tire in the shot too.
 The tire was created from a ferris wheel from the New York 1964 World's Fair.  It has been here since 1966.   At one point there was a giant nail sticking from it to advertise the run flat ability.  At one point, there used to be a giant sign that would show U.S. truck and car production but that has been torn down.
One more shot of the engine before heading home.  I was going to go plane watching for a bit but I didn't see anything terribly interesting.

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