Friday, November 2, 2018

Algoma Gaurdian Passing Mission Point

I was able to catch one more ship at Mission Point before leaving.  I decided that I wanted to leave at three in the afternoon because I didn't want to get home too late.
 The Algoma Guardian ended up going through the MacArthur Lock but I thought she was going to show up sooner than she did.
 Again, I am not sure where she was heading but I suspect that she was picking up grain in Thunder Bay.
 I'm not sure how much grain moves through the Great Lakes but I suspect it's alot.
 I'm not even sure what percentage of Canadian grain moves through the Great Lakes but again, I think it's alot.
 many of  these ships move it as far as Montreal or Quebec City and from there it is delivered overseas.
 I do know that over $15 billion of cargo moved through the Great Lakes.  Congress would be wise to look at that number as they decide on the Locks.
 At any rate, I will just enjoy the ships.
One more shot.

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