Friday, November 9, 2018

Cherry Maples in the Snow

So it snowed today.  Fortunately, it didn't stick.  It's supposed to be a cold one tomorrow, so I may end up passing on the football.  But I hear that the Sykes may be passing Detroit on her way home.  so there's that.
 I decided to head outside of the office to get some pictures of the cherry maples.  I liked the way the snow was on them.
 I was trying some different angles.  I kind of liked this one because I think I got some of the snow falling in the picture.
 I'm not quite sure about this one.  But I kind of liked the drops coming off the cherries.
 but I really like this one.  I would love to try to get reflections in the water drop.
Unfortunately, the snow was gone by lunchtime, so I didn't have a chance to get more pictures.  I did like how this picture turned out though.

Because it was the first snowfall of the year, it was a fun drive this morning.  It seems like people forget what to do and the first few snows are fun driving.  Oh well.

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