Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Sunset at Ann Arbor Airport

I got out of work a little early tonight and that gave me just enough light to catch a pair of Cessnas coming in for a landing at Ann Arbor Airport.  They were doing touch and goes.
 First up was a Cessna 172.  I guess I never really realized there are different Cessna models.
 But I supposed it makes sense since it is a fairly old plane.  The 172 was first flown in 1955 and is a variant of the 170 which was a tail dragger.  In that time there have been 44,000 produced.
 I think there have been pilots that have cut their teeth on this model.
And this is a Cessna 152.  I think it was coming in for a landing but the plane in front of it didn't clear the runway in time, so it had to do a go around.

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