Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Charleton Covered Bridge

After seeking out the covered bridges of Michigan, I had to look for more of them.  Then I sought out the covered bridges of Indiana.  I realize that I only scratched the surface of those and would like to revisit there at some point in the future.  Then I decided to hunt closer to home and sought out the covered bridges of Ohio.  It seems that there are quite a few of them, as I discovered when I went for the bridges of Ashtabula County.
 As I was looking at those bridges, I found out that there was a nice clump of them in the Dayton-Columbus area.  If I had gotten an earlier start (and not stopped for the Saginaw), I think I would have found more.  Anyway, the first one I found was the Charleton Mill Covered Bridge.
 It is about 10 miles northeast of Xenia, Ohio and goes over Massies Creek.
It was originally built in 1882 by Henry Hebble and was completely replaced in 2013.  I'm glad that they went through the trouble of replacing the bridge because it is a pretty nice looking covered bridge.  It roughly approximates what you expect to see when you think of one.

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