Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Herbert C. Jackson Passes Riverside Park

I decided to go out and catch a ship today.  It was a bit on the cold side when I left my home and it was colder on the river as the wind was blowing.  As it was, I barely caught her.
 The Herbert C. Jackson was making her way down past Riverside Park.  I'm not sure where she docked at but she was on her way to Cleveland.
 Even though it was cold, it was actually a pretty nice sunny day.
 And she passes by Windsor.  As you can see, she is taking on supplies from the Westcott.
 She starts to pass under the Ambassador Bridge.
 I like my littler lens but I don't really like the slight fish eye effect that it has.
 If I can get the tall structure near the center, it's not too bad.
 One more shot.
And she continues on her way.  I was going to wait for the Paul R. Tregurtha which was making her way upbound but I didn't feel like waiting much longer.  It was too cold.  As it turns out, I think she ended up stopping for fuel.

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