Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Catching Up with the John G. Munson

It seems like it has been a while since I've seen the Munson but since I haven't gone boatwatching as much this year as I have in previous years, it seems like it's been a while since I've seen anything.
 I saw on AIS that the Munson was heading to Detroit and I thought that meant Zug Island.  I forgot about the little stone dock near the River Walk.  I caught her just as she was passing Joe Louis Arena, so  I parked there.
 Sadly, I was shooting into the sun for this picture, so I used my manual settings to try not to have a dark ship.  Sadly, that washed out the water.
 Then I went to the little park and caught her as she was backing in to the dock.
 I love the beam shot.
 Sadly, I was shooting into the sun again briefly.
 And she started to move sideways towards the dock.
 It was pretty cool to watch.
 I was able to get a couple of more shots before she was blocked by the tug.
And one more shot before moving on.

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