Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Algoma Sault Makes an Appearance

I caught this ship in Marine City.
 I thought my shipwatching day was done after the Herbert C. Jackson passed St. Clair.  I was going to head home after that but then I saw that there was one more ship making her way upbound.
 The Algoma Sault has appeared on this blog before.  I caught her on her first run on the lakes in April.  I don't think I've caught her since then.
 I think she is one of the last ships to be built in China.  The shipyard they were building these at went bankrupt or something.  The rest of the Algoma builds are supposed to come from Croatia but I'm not sure as I've heard there may be a problem with that yard as well.
 I kind of like the looks of the Chinese built ships.  Some don't.
 But we'll see how long they last compared to the ships built here.
 Again, the water was pretty smoothe.
 Making for a nice reflection.
One more shot before heading off.

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