Monday, January 28, 2019

Some Sort of Light Show at the Michigan Central Train Station

Recently it was announced that Ford Motor Company would be buying the Michigan Central Train Station from Matty Maroun.  They will be converting it to a tech center of sorts.  I think they are also going to buy some of the abandoned buildings around it in order to turn it into a campus of some sort.  At any rate, it is nice that Detroit's most famous abandoned building will be getting a makeover soon.
 My mom mentioned something about a lightfest they were having at the train station, so after South Haven, I decided to head over to the train station.  It was pretty neat.  They were starting with a slide show.
 Some of it looked like graffiti.
 But some of it looked kind of cool.  Sadly, I didn't bring my tripod with me, but I think I needed a higher shutter speed anyway, because some of the light was "moving".
 This looked kind of like a bird.
 I wish this one were a little clearer.  It looks like a Santa Fe engine.
 Since Ford was sponsoring it.
 This is how I imagined the train station looked inside at one time.
 Some bricks.

 This was also kind of neat, it showed the plans for what they were going to do with the area.
This was kind of neat.

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