Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse - 2019

I wasn't going to do this tonight but then I realized that I couldn't miss out on it.  Now, the reason I wasn't going to do this was because it was friggin cold.  By the time I was done, it was -1 degree Fahrenheit out.  Fortunately it wasn't windy and nor did I stay out the whole time.
 Anyway, tonight was called a super moon because it was at the closed point to the earth.  That of course makes the moon look a little larger than normal.  Probably not that you could really tell.  It was also a full moon.  And the full moon for January is called the wolf moon.
 So I was just messing with the camera settings.  I think i like the first picture better.
 Shortly after the eclipse started.  I don't think it was quite -1 at this time but it was still cold.  I decided I could wait for a bit.
 I came out a few minutes later.  The moon was a little smaller.
 And then I went out around 11:30 (or so).  The moon had the blood red color I heard about.
Because I was trying to use my bigger lens, it was moving all over the place.  I was about ready to give up and then I decided to go for one of my smaller lens.
 The only problem with that is that this picture is heavily cropped.  My smaller lens doesn't have any image stabilization, so the picture isn't nearly as clear as I wanted.  But I guess it's clearer than the other picture.
 I'm not sure what phase of the eclipse this was but the moon looked pretty cool.  I can see why ancient people would get excited about this.  Given all that is going on right now, I can see why modern people are excited about this.
 Just kept shooting.
 I was trying different shutter speed settings.  One of the things with the moon is that you don't want to overexpose because then it looks like a gaseous ball in the sky.
 I think this one is my favorite of the blood red moon.
I didn't want to stay out to catch it on the flip side.  So this was my last picture.  I think this next time there is a full moon eclipse, it will be in May, so hopefully a bit warmer.

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