Sunday, January 13, 2019

Watching the Philip R. Clarke

Even though it was pretty cold today, I decided to head down to Detroit to catch a ship.
 The ship in question was the Philip R. Clarke.
 I was kind of waffling that I wanted to go down to catch her but I knew that if I didn't I would kick myself for the rest of the day.
 She is one of the three AAA freighters that are left on the lakes.  She is a sister to the Arthur M. Anderson and Cason J. Callaway.  I hope that these ships will be around for a while longer but you never know.
 She was on her way to Conneaut, Ohio and I presume she would have been carrying taconite.
 She was coming down from Duluth.  And that journey would have been about 2 and a half days.
 As you can see, she's pretty loaded.
 The beam shot.
 Then I decided to head down to Riverside Park to get some more pictures of her.  Unfortunately, I couldn't make it sooner than this one.
And she continues on her way.  From this point, it would be another 11 hours to her destination.

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