Monday, February 18, 2019

A Handful of Heavies

So I first stopped at a warehouse near the approach lights. 
 Unfortunately, the planes weren't being terribly cooperative.  I think they were landing depending on which runways were clear.  This was a 767 arriving from Paris.
 It was followed by a 777 arriving from Munich.
 I was trying some different angles.
 I kind of like this shot except for the pole in it.
 It was followed by an American Airlines 787 arriving from London.
 Beacon shot.
 One more shot.  I kind of like this one.
 It was followed by a Kalitta 747.
 This plane was supposed to head to Atlanta from Shannon, Ireland but it was diverted due to weather.
 I had to clean up this shot a little bit.
 Then I was under the approach lights.  I kind of like the long out shots.
 But I'm not really a fan of the belly shot.
 Nor am  I really a fan of the stern shot but I like this shot quite a bit.
 I had to wait for one more plane.
 It was the Royal Jordanian 787 arriving from Amman.
 Beacon shot.
Again, too much belly for my taste.

I would have liked to stay longer but I needed to get ahead of the weather.  Unfortunately, that didn't quite happen but it didn't get really bad until I got back to Michigan after taking the turnpike through Indiana and Ohio.

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