Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Iver Bright Passes By

The ship that I wanted to catch was this one.
 The ship in question was the Iver Bright.  I'm not sure where she was coming from but I think she was heading to Windsor.
 The Iver Bright is kind of unusual as she is salty that has stayed behind for the winter.  Usually they leave the Seaway System before the Welland Canal closes.
 But I think she is delivering asphalt in the area and consequently is staying behind.
 She is also rare in that she is a ship registered in the country where she is owned.
 In this case, the Netherlands.  Usually foreign ships use flags of convenience.
 At any rate, it was pretty cool to see a proper ship even though I saw one last weekend.
 she passes by the park.
 More of a beam shot.
 She continues down the river.  Like I said, she was stopping somewhere in Windsor.
She continues on.

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