Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Morro Bay Breaking Ice on the Detroit River

So after I finished watching the halftime show yesterday, I decided to take a look at AIS because I saw that there might be a ship heading down.  And sure enough there was and if I left at that time, I would have enough time to catch it.
 The ship in question will be coming up but it was being escorted by the Samuel Risley and this tug, the Morro Bay.  As you can see from the picture, there was quite a bit of ice on the Detroit River which is unusual because it doesn't seem like the Detroit River freezes over.
 I'd imagine under normal circumstances that would be the case but we had sub-zero temperatures last week and they helped accelerate the freezing.  It was in the 40's yesterday though.
 The Risley didn't continue down but the Morro Bay did.  I don't think the ice was that thick.
 It was pretty neat watching this guy in action because you could hear the ice being broke.
 Plus these are pretty neat looking boats.
 But she was making light work of the ice.
 A little smoke as she pours on the engines.  She might have hit some thicker ice.
And she continued down the river.  I think the ship she was escorting wasn't going that far down the river because I saw her docked in Windsor on AIS.

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