Saturday, April 20, 2019

A Stop at Magee

I had the day off yesterday because it was Good Friday, so I decided to head down to Magee.  It has been a while since I've been down there.  Mainly because they were doing some work on the bridges in the park.  It's also been kind of cold lately.  I was kind of missing the eagles.
 Before I went to Magee, I was hoping that I could take the trail around Ottawa.  As I pulled in, I saw this guy on the telephone pole.
 Almost as soon as I got out of the car, he took off.  Fortunately, I had my camera ready.
 He was scoping the ground for some food.
 And the classic glide pose.
 Then he found it.
 Picked it up.
 And flew away.  The trail for Ottawa was closed, so I continued on to Magee.
 I tried to get a picture of this heron but he took off.
 I managed to catch a picture of this shoveler duck.
 I'm not sure what kind of duck this is.
 An egret.
 Some geese flying off.
 then I went to a place called Howard Metropark.  It is near Ottawa and to the west of Metzger's Marsh.  It is pretty new.  I caught this guy.
 Then I saw some swans swimming around.
I kind of like this picture.

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