Friday, April 26, 2019

Along Embury Road

After visiting Belle Isle, we went over to Embury Road.  Embury Road is off North Territorial Road near Chelsea.  It is a dirt road but there are some pretty nice wildflowers along it.   I'm not sure if these are transplanted but they are still pretty neat.
 First up are the marsh marigolds.
 It is nice to see this color in a see of green.
 A trio of them.
 Another grouping.
 For the rest of these flowers, I have no idea what they are but they are pretty.
 Some purplish flowers.
 I think this is the same as the first one I showed.
 Some more of the purple ones.
 I kind of like this picture.
One more grouping of flowers.  I'm going to have to come back here because there are other flowers that grow here.  It is still early.

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