Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Catching Up With the Cuyahoga

It wasn't much longer before my next ship appeared.
It's always nice to see a classic laker and this one is about as classic laker as you can get. 
 She's about a year off from being the oldest self  powered laker as she was built in 1943.  She came about from the need to carry iron ore during World War II.
 With some of the other boats facing the scrapper's torch, I try to make it a point to catch this one because it seems like she is not too far from that event happening.
 Until that does, I will enjoy seeing her. 
 Since she's owned by a Canadian company, she sees a few more locks than many of the American boats.
 As she was reporting "Detroit" as her destination on Saturday, I'm not quite sure where she was headed at the time I was following.  But given that she was upbound on the St. Clair River, I know that her ultimate destination was not Detroit.
 I think she was heading to somewhere on Lake Superior.
 Anyway, it was nice to see her.
And she's off.

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