Thursday, May 16, 2019

A Dolphin Helicopter Flies By

As I was waiting for my first ship to pass on Sunday, this guy flew overhead.
 It was a Dolphin helicopter belonging to the Coast Guard.  It flies out of Selfridge Air National Guard base.
 As soon as it got out over Lake Huron, it started to enter a search pattern.  I'm not sure if it was actually looking for someone or just practicing.  I think I saw a Coast Guard response boat pass before I had a chance to get a picture of it.
 Anyway, it entering a search pattern gave me a chance to get some decent pictures of it.
 The light was just about perfect.
 I was able to get some different angles.
 As I was taking pictures of a different ship, it flew by.
 I pressure that was in order to return to Selfridge.
Because I didn't see it again.

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