Monday, May 27, 2019

A Lovely Morning With the Oberstar

So it was to be a good morning before it started to rain.  I looked at Marine Traffic and I saw that there would be three classic lakers passing Port Huron within a fairly short period of time of each other.  Unfortunately, I didn't write down where they were going or where they where coming from, so my memory is a little sketchy.
 First of those three was the Honorable James L. Oberstar.  Based on where she's been lately, I'm going to guess that she was coming up from Cleveland.  I think she was delivering iron ore there.
 I think she was heading up to the Duluth area but I'm not sure because she could have been heading up to one of the stone ports or Marquette.
 If she was heading to one of the stone ports, she would be going to pick up stone.  If she was going to Duluth or Marquette, she would be picking up iron ore.
 I kind of wish I would have gotten the seagull in focus.  But at anyrate, I for one welcome our new avian overlords.
 I think this is my favorite of the set.  I like the steam pouring out from the scrubbers.  I really like the way she is kicking up the water.
 She is framed by the Blue Water Bride.
 Another one that I like.
 Another one frame by the Blue Water Bridge.
 And she slowly works her way towards the lake.
 the almost beam shot.
 I kind of liked the light rays coming down from the clouds.
And she gets out on Lake Huron.

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