Saturday, May 18, 2019

A Return to Embury Road

After catching the ships, I decided to take my mom over to Embury Road.  She has been having some health issues and she likes going over that way.  Unfortunately, it started to rain after I got over that way.  Personally, I like taking pictures of wildflowers when it is overcast.  That way you don't get washed out colors.  The only problem was that it was raining pretty hard.
 Embury Road is kind of divided into a couple of parts.  There is a fairly marshy part and that's where these marsh marigolds grow.  I kind of like this shot.
 A pair of marsh marigolds.
 I think these flowers are called false solomon's seal.  They are similar to the real one.
 it was kind of tough getting contortioned to get some of these pictures.
 I think these are called May apples.  I tried to get a shot of the bud but the rain made things difficult.
 I have no idea what these are.
 Another false solomon's seal.
 And this one is a jack in the pulpit.
 I think my favorite wildflower is the trillium though.  It is a pretty flower.
 It is even prettier when it has some other color besides white.  Although I guess the other colors are the result of a disease.
 As I said, it was raining.  I kind of like the little droplets of water.
 I think this one is starting to bloom.
 I kind of like this one.
 Another sort of pink flower.
 Another one that is getting ready to bloom out.
And one more before moving on. 

I may try to get over there tomorrow again.  Maybe I will see more flowers.

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