Thursday, May 2, 2019

And the Algosea

This ship was ahead of the other ship that I wanted to catch but not by much.
 The Algosea was heading from Sarnia to Nanticoke.  I think she picks up oil or something in Nanticoke to transport back to Sarnia.  That oil is in turn refined.
 But I'm not 100% sure.  I do know that journey is less than a day.  I think it takes about 12 hours to get from Detroit to Nanticoke.  It's 5 hours from Sarnia to Detroit.  So this is about a 17 hour journey.
 That is so unlike the journey in the last post.  As a result, I can see this ship fairly often.
 Which is kind of nice because it's not a bad looking ship.

 I had to get the seagull in the picture.  I for one welcome our new avian overlords.
 The beam shot.
And she continues on her way down the river.

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