Thursday, May 30, 2019

And Then There Was the Alpena

I'm still trying to catch up with my post.  Still continuing from the ships I saw on 5/19/2019.  It was a pretty good day as I saw a few classic lakers and you can't get much more classic than the subject of this post.
 The Alpena is currently the oldest self powered freighter on the Great Lakes.
 She was built in 1942 as an iron ore carrier.
 When she was converted to her current configuration, she was shortened but kept her original power plant.
 She is one of a handful of steamers that sail on the Great Lakes.
 She is framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 And this might be why it's called blue water.
 Another shot with the Bridge.
 The almost beam shot.
And she continues on her way.  I think she was on her way to Alpena to pick up another load of cement.

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