Thursday, May 2, 2019

Catching the Mississagi

The next ship is one of the ships that I was hoping to catch.  I always like capturing classic lakers.  Especially ones that I think might not be long for this world.
 The ship in question was the Mississagi.  She's one of the ships I'm going to try to catch when I can.
 She's getting up there in years and since she's run by the Canadian portion of Lower Lakes, she gets quite alot of use.
 But she's a beautiful boat, so I can't pass up on her.
 I love the beam shot of the classic lakers.  I kind of wish they still used the forward mounted pilothouse.
 The almost beam shot.
 More of a beam shot.
 And she passes by.
She was actually on her way to Windsor but I'm not sure where she was coming from.

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