Friday, May 17, 2019

Catching Up with the John G. Munson

So this is the ship that I wanted to catch last Saturday.  I apologize for the slowness of updates for the past week but I haven't been in the mood to post pictures.  That usually happens when I have lost of them.  I still have some stuff from last week to post.  I will have some stuff from tomorrow to post as well.
 With that being said, I wanted to catch the John G. Munson.  She was the ship that made me want to go up to Port Huron.
 It looks like they did some work on her over the winter layup because she looks like she's sporting a fresh coat of paint.  Well it doesn't look as fresh as it did when she started the season but it still looks pretty nice.
 She was coming down from either Stoneport or Calcite with a load of stone.  I'm not sure if that's what she exclusively carries but it seems like it.
 She was heading to Marine City which is about 2.5 hours from this point.
 I missed the first headshot and I almost missed this one.
 She makes her turn to enter the channel.  I was amazed at how high the water was.  It was getting close to washing over the boardwalk.
 A shot framed with the Blue Water Bridge.
 And she moves further down the river.
 One more shot with the Bridge.
 And she passes.
 I decided I wanted to get more pictures of her, so I headed down to Marysville.  I had a tough time getting pictures of her without a bunch of fishing boats in the way.
 the Iver Bright in the background.
 The almost beam shot.
 And the beam shot.
 And then I decided to head down to St. Clair to catch her there.
 I like the angles there.  I can get some nice three quarter shots.  If I position myself right, I can get a headshot but I wasn't in the right position.
 It was a nice peaceful day but not too warm, so I wasn't getting much heat distortion.
 The almost head shot.
 She goes straight for a bit.
 And then she starts to make her turn.

And my final shot of her for the day.  From this point, she's only about an hour from Marine City.

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