Thursday, May 2, 2019

Catching Up with the Pierre Radisson

This is the ship that I was hoping to catch.
 It seems like the Canadians have had to send either this ship or the Martha Black for the past couple of years.
 While it was a fairly mild winter, it got pretty cold in March and that got some ice build up in Lake Superior and northern Lake Huron.
 In order to help in the Georgian Bay, this icebreaker was sent.  It took a couple of times for it to do the job.
 Anyway, I like catching these ships when I can because usually they only appear at the beginning and end of the winter.
 they are also nice looking ships.
 I think the Canadians will use this in the Arctic in the summer months.

 A beam shot.

 I'm not sure where she was heading though.
One more shot of her before moving on.

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