Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Cherry Maple Blossoms at Work

We have some cherry maples at work and they look nice when the blossom.  They started to have some buds around Monday or Tuesday last week.  I decided to take my camera in on Friday because I figured they would be getting pretty close to blossoming.
 they were blossomed but not quite the way I wanted to get pictures.  I was hoping to get a picture of the whole tree but they were blossomed on the whole tree.
 The blossoms I did see looked pretty nice though.  I didn't see any of the slightly pink ones, I think those would have come later.
 The light was just about right for me though.
 A nice triangle pattern.
 Some of the flowers in the tree.
 Another set of blossoms.
I was hoping that I would be able to get more pictures on Monday but sadly they were gone.  So this is the only set of pictures of these I will have for the year.

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