Saturday, June 15, 2019

Amongst the Eagles at Magee and Ottawa

So I went to Magee and Ottawa last Saturday.  It has been a while since I've been down there.  I wasn't sure if part of it would be under water because of all the rain we've been getting.  Fortunately it wasn't.
 Before going to Magee, I stopped at Ottawa National Wildlife Preserve.  I saw this heron as I was heading in.
 I'm not sure what kind of flowers these were.
 Another shot of the heron.
 As I was taking some pictures of other birds, I caught this eagle as he flew over.
 A Canada goose family.
 This family of swans was crossing the road.  I was reminded of "Make Way for Ducklings".  Apparently that was my favorite book as I was little.
 An egret.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get a better picture.
 the swan family in the water.
 A butterfly.
 And then I headed over to Magee and saw these eagles in the nest.
 I think they were waiting for their parents.
 As the winds started to pick up, this eagle started to kite.
 Occasionally, he would take a brief flight.  It mostly amounted to hopping up in the air and hovering for a bit.
 Kiting again.
 I kind of liked this shot.
 I think he was kiting again.
 And then I went to the other eagle's nest and saw this guy flying around it.
 There is something about an eagle in the wild.
One more shot of the eagle.

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