Tuesday, June 11, 2019

An Evening With the Planes

My Sunday morning started with a deal of ambition but it slowly got away from me as I looked at the weather.  So I decided to chill most of the afternoon and then I got bored and decided to head over to the airport.  The clouds looked pretty cool.
 First up was a CRJ-200 from Iron Mountain, Michigan.  Iron Mountain is in the western end of the Upper Peninsula.  Someday I would like to go there.
 It was followed by this A319 from Monterrey, Mexico.  It's amazing to think of all the places that these planes come from.
 Another angle of that plane.
 A CRJ-900 arriving from Des Moines.
 It seems like I haven't caught a 757-300 in a while.  I kind of like them because I think they look a little more graceful.
 I kind of liked the clouds in the background.
 This particular one was arriving from Los Angeles.
 It was followed by another 757.
 This particular one was arriving from Indianapolis.
 For FedEx.
 I kind of like the freight versions of planes.
 I call the A321 a poseur 757.  It kind of looks like a 757 but apparently it is smaller.  This particular one was arriving from Atlanta.
 An A319 arriving from Dallas.
 A 717 coming in from O'Hare in Chicago.
 Another A321.  This one was arriving from Phoenix.
 And one from San Diego.
 I can't see where this plane was coming from.
 But another angle of it.
 I couldn't make out the tail number on this one, but I know it's an Embrear.
 This 737 was arriving from Portland, Oregon and not Portland, Maine.
 Another 757.
 This particular one was arriving from San Francisco.
 A Southwest Airlines 737 coming in from Midway in Chicago.
 I decided to head over to the other side of the airport to catch some takeoffs.  This particular A321 was heading to Atlanta.
It was followed by an American 737 heading to Dallas.

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