Sunday, June 2, 2019

And the Munson

Just before I was getting ready to leave, I checked AIS one more time and saw that the John G. Munson was following the Barker fairly closely.  I figured I might as well catch the Munson too.
 I think she was coming up from Detroit and I think she had a load of stone.  Well, it's a pretty good guess that she was carrying a load of stone since it seems like she is pretty much used exclusively for stone.
 She was on her way back to Calcite in order to pick up more stone.
 Calcite is pretty close to Alpena, so this is a fairly short trip for her.
 She makes a turn towards the channel.
 And the headshot.
 She starts to make the turn to leave the channel.
 And presents a pretty good angle.
 Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 Another shot with the Bridge.

And she heads out to Lake Huron.  I think it is about 12 hours to her destination from this point.

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