Sunday, June 2, 2019

Return to Embury Road

 On the Friday before Labor Day, my mother had a Doctor's appointment with her new primary physician.  In order to help her, I took the afternoon off.  After her appointment, I took her over to Embury Road.  She likes going over there.  I like going over there because there is a nice assortment of wild flowers.
  This is a May apple flower.  I had to contort pretty interestingly to get a picture of it.  But it is kind of neat looking flower.
 I think this is a wild geranium.
 Another May apple flower.
 and one more.
 I found a spot with a bunch of trillium.  Unfortunately, they were starting to look pretty sad.
 I do like it when I see the purple ones though.
 A pretty good looking one.
 This one would be a pretty good looking one, but it is starting to fold over.
 I really like this one.
 And another.
 I'm not sure what kind of flower this is though.
And one more.  I think this one is a violet.

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