Friday, June 21, 2019

Whereupon I Do A Happy Dance

It's not often that I get see a classic Canadian Laker.  It's even rarer when I get to see two of them.
 As I was watching the upbound traffic, I saw that the CSL Tadoussac was making her way upriver.
 I don't know where she was heading from nor where she was heading too.
 If I had to guess, I would say that she was heading up to Thunder Bay.
 At anyrate, she's a pretty nice looking boat.
 And if you look closely enough, you can see that she has a pretty unique wake.  It almost looks like a sine wave.
 She makes the turn to enter Lake Huron.
And then she goes on to points unknown.  Well, if I had wrote down destination information, I would have known.

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