Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Stop at Cinicinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport

I had an ulterior motive for visiting the Serpent Mound.  I've wanted to go down to the Cincinnati Airport for spotting for a while.  Even more so when I found out that they have a viewing area.

Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG) was opened in 1944 and was originally used as a site to train B-17 pilots.  The field was used by the Army Air Corps for a year.  The first commercial flight (an American Airlines DC-3) landed there in 1947.  It was shortly followed by a Delta flight.  In the 1980s, it became a Delta hub and was Delta's second largest hub until its merger with Northwest in 2008.
 With Delta leaving, CVG transformed into a cargo airport.  Currently it serves as an Amazon hub, as evidenced by this Prime Air 767.  It is also a major hub for DHL.   It is currently one of the busier cargo airports.  It will probably become busier as Amazon expands its operations there.
 There are still a number of passenger flights here, as evidenced by this American Airlines Embrear 145.
 And this American CRJ.
 A shot of that plane passing the tower.
 There are a couple of other cargo airlines that operate out of there as well.
 The viewing area is pretty nice but it's not great photography in the evening as you are shooting into the sun.
 I did get to see the Southwest Lone Star Livery though.  Unfortunately, it wasn't landing on the runway I was closest too.
One more shot before leaving.  I do like this viewing area but if I come again, I'll have to try it earlier in the day.

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