Thursday, July 11, 2019

And Catching Lee Again

Given that she was headed to Marquette, I figured that I would see her again.  I was just hoping that she wouldn't pass the Soo at night.
 Fortunately she didn't.  I caught her at Sherman Park as I was waiting for the last ship.  I wanted to catch her here in case it took her longer to get through the Locks.
 Sherman Park is not a bad place to shoot from in the evening but it's not great as you're shooting almost directly into the sun.
 As was the case with this picture, but I kind of like it.
 Shooting at the Locks in the evening is even worse because you are shooting even more directly in the sun.
 I decided to catch her as she was entering the Poe Lock.  Again, while I like the pictures at the Locks, I think there are better picture opportunities elsewhere.
 I think I like this picture better.
 so once again, it was back to Mission Point.  The sun was starting to set.
 But that gave me some nice color for the background.
 The water was almost smoothe enough.
I believe that she was on her way to Dearborn with a load of taconite.

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