Sunday, July 7, 2019

Catching Up With the Roger Blough

Seems like my Blough sightings have been more sporadic than usual.  It seems like she passes the Eastern end of the state during the week or she has been to Gary a bunch of times.  So I was happy to see that she would be my next catch.
 In fact, I think she was returning from Gary in this set of pictures too.  It's just as well because I was happy to see her.
 I was hoping that I caught her early enough in my trip that I would be able to catch her heading downbound.  But alas that was not to be, as I think she passed again late Sunday.
 But it was still nice to catch her.  I think she was heading up to Two Harbors which is another reason that I thought I might catch her again.
 Anyway, it was nice to catch her this time.
 And she even blew a salute to the folks assembled at Mission Point.

 About as close to a beam shot that I can get at Mission point.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 A shot of her unique unloading system.
And she continues on to the Locks.  I think she had a bit of a wait though.

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