Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Mighty Paul at Dawn

This was the start of the Saturday for my trip.  I woke up early for other reasons.  I knew there were a few ships that were passing in the night.  I think most of them were ships that would have to pass through the Poe Lock.  I figured that might mean there would be some passing early in the morning.
 After taking care of my business, I checked Marine Traffic on my phone and I saw that Paul R. Tregurtha was in the Locks.
 Based on where I was I figured that I would have a chance to catch her at Mission Point.  I wasn't sure about the lighting but I looked out the window and it looked like I had enough to catch her.
 So I got out of bed and headed down to Mission Point.  I was surprised to see other people there as it was roughly 5:30 in the morning.
 Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not typically aware of the existence of 5:30 in the morning but this was a special case.  Little did I realize, there would also be a little bit of fog.  The orange from the rising sun helped my picture too.
 I think she was on her way to St Clair to deliver coal.  That is usually where she is headed.  That is also why I usually catch her around Port Huron.
 And she just about passes.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 A friendly wave from another Captain.
And she continues down the river.

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