Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Return of Another Old Friend

So on Friday, I saw that the Arthur M. Anderson was finally leaving her long slumber except that she was going to be heading down to Gary.  I plotted out her course and saw that I had a chance to catch her at the Mackinac Bridge.
 As I was heading to the Mackinac Bridge, I saw that I had an outside chance of catching her sooner.  I remembered that there is a little boat launch on the other side of Barbeau.  I headed there first in the hopes of catching her.  I wasn't quite in time.
 Next I headed over to DeTour Village because I knew I could get some better shots there.
 She had been in layup for two and a half years and there was some uncertainty in the boatnerd community that she might stay there.  Rumors were abounding that she needed some extensive work and her owners might not spend the money to do that.
 Well, they ended up doing whatever work they had to do, plus they ended up painting her.  And I will have to say that she looks pretty nice.
 She was on her way down to Gary, so I didn't have too many places where I could catch her.
 She continues past DeTour.
 She approaches the subject of my next post.
 They get closer.
 And they pass.
 Next I headed over to the Mackinac Bridge.  This time, I decided to catch her from the St Ignace side.
 I don't usually shoot from over here, but the lighting was right for it.
 She starts to pass under the Bridge.
 She passes under.
 And continues on her way.
One more shot as she continues on her way to Gary with her load of taconite.

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