Thursday, August 15, 2019

Catching the Ojibway

I looked at Marine Traffic on Saturday morning and it looked like it would be a good day.  It especially looked like it would be pretty good later in the day.  But that would be in a different spot and later.
 The thing that had me most interested was that I would be seeing three classic lakers within an hour (or so of each other).  With rumors swirling that the company that owns Lower Lakes may be in trouble, there might be some of these that I will not see again.
 First up was the Ojibway.  She is one that I like to catch because she was born in the same city that I was, Bay City.  She started as the Charles F. Hutchinson and has gone through a few name changes before reaching this place.
 With the rumors that I hear, I suspect she might be undergoing a new name change in the future.  That is, if she finds a new home.   Being a straight decker, that might be a problem.
 At any rate, she was heading down from Thunder Bay and heading to Windsor.  That is roughly a two day journey.  With her configuration, she is busy during harvest season and not so busy the rest of the year.
 It was a pretty nice day and not too hot, so I didn't get too much heat haze.
And she continues down to the Windsor grain elevator which is a little over an hour from this point.

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