Saturday, August 31, 2019

Catching Up With and Old Friend

I've been motivated to go take pictures but I haven't been motivated to do my posting lately.  So this post is coming a week after it was taken.  Last weekend, I decided to head up to Port Huron because I saw that this guy was coming down.
 The Cason J. Callaway was heading down from Duluth with a load of iron ore.  She was on her way to Conneaut, Ohio.
 It has been over a year since I've last caught the Callaway.  She's been doing alot of Lake Michigan stuff and when she comes over this way, she passes on days that I can't catch her.
 Come to think of it, I haven't been seeing alot of the AAA Great Lakes Fleet lakers.  Granted, I've caught the Anderson but it doesn't seem like I've caught alot of the Clarke and Callaway.
 That's kind of a shame because these are beautiful ships.
 The second of two headshots.
 She makes the turn for the channel.
 Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 And she passes by.
 A sort of a stern shot.
And a stern shot as she continues her way down the St. Clair River.

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