Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Chicago Air and Water Show - Part I

After asking around on a spotter's group on facebook, I found my best option for viewing the Chicago Air and Water Show.  It was actually in a section of Chicago that I've never been to before, so it was pretty neat and I got some pretty neat shots of the Chicago skyline.  Because I took so many pictures, I'm breaking this up into a couple of posts.
Chicago first held it's Air and Water Show in 1959.  It is currently Chicago's second most popular festival and it's the largest free air show in the country.  It is pretty much viewable from anywhere on the lakeshore but there are better spots than others.
Show center is roughly around North Beach.  We ended up close to there although we probably could have wandered to North Beach.
 We missed a couple of things and the KC-135 was flying around as we arrived.  It was followed by a group of A-10 Thunderbolts.
 The KC-135 did a couple of loops around the flying area.  It was pretty neat to watch.
 This particular unit was from the Illinois Air National Guard.
 At one point, more powerful engines were added to it but these planes are still getting pretty long in the tooth.
 A Coast Guard Response boat and one of the buoys that was set up for the show.  I think the planes were using these to determine show center.
 After the KC-135 did a couple of passes, the A-10 Thunderbolts came in to do a demonstration.
 I think they were demonstrating a typical strafing run.  There was quite a bit of moisture in the air and that made for some more interesting pictures.
 I really like the moisture that was coming off the wings in this shot.
 And then it levels out.
 This is not a view that I would like to see if I were an enemy tank.
 This plane did kind of a rolls.
 Another pass.
 I kind of like this shot.
 what's better than one A-10 in a shot?  Two of them.
 Another shot of the A-10.
 And a pair of them pass.
 After a little delay, the F-16 came out next for a demonstration.  Even though I saw one a couple of weeks ago, it was still pretty neat to see.
 Kicking on afterburners.
 Again kicking some moisture off the wings.
 Another view I would not want to see if I were an enemy.
 A Fairly nice straight shot.
 Kicking on afterburners again.
 Kind of a banking shot.
 One last shot before it moves on.
 A seagull watching the proceedings.
 the Response Boat again.
 This was sort of a demonstration of the Chicago Police Boat and helicopter.  The helicopter had it's flood lights on for a bit.
 the pair of them pass.
 The helicopter does a turn in front of us.
 A banking shot.
 and it passes again.
One more turn.

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