Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Chicago Air and Water Show - Part Three

Much like Gaul, it seems that I like to divide my air show posts into three parts.  So here is the third part.
 The Red Arrows were the group that got me to go to Chicago.  They are the aerobatic team of the Royal Air Force and they are doing a tour of North America.  This was the first time in a while that they have visited North America.
 The team was formed in 1965 but they were not the first RAF aerobatic team.  At that time they flew the Folland Gnat which was used as a trainer by the RAF.
 Currently they fly the British Aerospace (formerly Hawker Siddeley) Hawk.
 In 2005, there was talk of disbanding the unit due to costs but it was decided that the good will was worth more.
 I loved watching the transitions to different formations.
 When it looked like they were just going to fly around, the show started.
 I'm not sure what any of these formations were called.
 ONe of the planes.
 After a flyby.
 The plane to the left flew through the formation.
 Another view of one of the planes.
 I expect that this would have been similar to the bomb burst by the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels but the ceiling was too low.
 A nice turn.
 My favorite picture of the plane.  I will have to say these planes look pretty neat.

 This was a maneuver called the "tornado".  One of the planes would roll around the rest of them.
 Another break up.
 I think he was forming a heart in the sky.
 Another pass.
 And they fly by.
 And head back to Gary.
 I'm not sure what this group was called but they were pretty neat.
 A loop.
 They also had the Blue Angels but unfortunately, the weather was starting to not cooperate.  There was a low fog in the sky.
 One of the solos setting up for a pass.
 They did do a pass but then got in the Delta formation.
 The delta formation flew around a couple of times.  I think they were hoping that the fog would lift.
 It was pretty neat to see them.
 But they didn't really do much.
One more pass before cancelling.

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