Tuesday, September 10, 2019

A Return to Magee and Ottawa

After catching the ship in Toledo, I continued on my way to Magee Marsh.  I was hoping that I would see the eagle this time.
 As I was heading into the area where I normally see eagles, I saw this guy flying nearby.
 It was one of the juvenile eagles that live in the nest.  I'm not sure how old he is other than he is not quite five years old yet.  As eagles get older, they start to form their white head.
 It was flying by and looking pretty cool.
 I kind of like this shot.
 But I think I like this one better.
 It took a flight by the trees.  I think it was seeing if mom or dad was home.
 I kind of like this shot of the eagle climbing.
 I was about a foot from getting what would have been a cool shot.  I wish I had pulled the camera out a little bit.
 and she flies away.
 I continued around the marsh a bit to get some shots of the egrets.
 But they were a little jittery and flew away.
 But it made for a cool shot.
 Then we headed back to Ottawa.  I wanted to show my mom the American lotus flowers.
 They were still mostly in bloom.
 They still looked pretty cool.
 A cormorant flying away.
I think I like the lighting on this one.
 I think the purple flower is a loosestrife.
I was trying to get a better angle but without a boat, it proved difficult.
Sadly, these flowers are leaving us.

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