Friday, September 20, 2019

Catching Up With the Arthur M. Anderson

About a month ago, I was able to catch the Anderson on her re-debut trip and I caught her at the dock in Cleveland but I haven't been able to catch her moving.  Last Sunday I saw that she was heading down from Calcite to Marysville and I figured that I would try to catch her.  Fortunately, it was a little later so I got to sleep in from my whirlwind on Saturday.
 I arrived with enough time to get into position so that I could catch her at my normal spot.
 She was making her turn towards the channel.
 The first of two headshots from this spot.  Well I didn't quite the headshot but pretty close.
 She makes her turn to enter the mouth of the St. Clair River.
 Another angle.  I kind of like this angle for ships.  Gives you a good idea of the size of them.
 She makes her turn again to enter the river proper.
 Probably my favorite of the two headshots because it is fairly close in.
 She continues to make her turn for the river proper.
 Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 And she continues on her way.
 The almost beam shot.  Well as much of a beam shot as I can get here.
 The almost stern shot.
From this point it is about a half hour to her destination.

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