Friday, September 20, 2019

The Roger Blough Passes By

If it were just the Anderson that I were catching, I might have just stayed home but then I saw that the Blough was heading upbound.  Since it's been about a month since I've caught her, I decided to catch her too.
 The Blough was heading up from Conneaut, Ohio.  She had just delivered a load of taconite.  I probably wouldn't have caught her but she had to stop at Mistersky for fuel.  It wasn't too long after catching the Anderson that she appeared.
 This is by far my favorite Great Lakes freighter.  She looks mean.
 She is making her turn to leave the river.  This one doesn't seem as tough as making the turns to enter the river.
 She continues her turn.
 I do like this angle the best.  It gives you an idea of the rest of the ship and you can see her bow.
 A little more turning.
 She only presents one headshot from this spot but it is a pretty cool one.
 She then makes a turn to leave the river.  It is the opposite of the turns that she makes to enter the river.
 I can't really get a beam shot from here but this is pretty close.
 Almost framed by the Blue Water Bridge.

 A shot of her bow.  I suppose if I had a wider angle lens, I could get a beam shot here but it would be seriously distorted.
 Her Plimsoll lines.  As you can see, she is not loaded.
 Her deckhouse.
 She got a different type of self unloader.  It is called a shuttle unloader and can only be used in Gary and Conneaut.  I think it can only be used for iron but I'm not sure.
She was on her way to Two Harbors to pick up more taconite to go to either Gary or Conneaut.

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