Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A New Ship on the Lakes

The next ship is one that I've wanted to catch for a while.
 The Algoma Conveyor is one of the newer ships on the Lakes (I'm not sure if she is the newest still).
 She was introduced to the Lakes in April and I've tried to catch her since then.
 It seems like every time she's passed Port Huron it has either been during the week or at night.  Either way, I couldn't catch her.
 I was happy to see she would be passing while I was up there because that meant I could catch her.
 She's not a bad looking ship.
 She's not anything special but her name reminds me of a ship that was lost in the Falklands War named the Atlantic Conveyor.  She was pressed into British service and used to ferry Harriers.  She was hit by two Exocet missiles.  There is a pub named after her Captain.
 A shot of her pilothouse.
 And another.
She continues down the river.

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