Wednesday, October 9, 2019

M-119 - The Tunnel of Trees

We made it to M-119.
 M-119 is a stretch of highway that follows along the Lake Michigan shore from Petoskey to Cross Village.  It is approximately 27 miles long.
 When you first catch it, it looks like a fairly normal stretch of highway.  There are a few trees around it.
 As you continue, it goes into a road that is barely wide enough to contain two cars and it is probably one of the prettiest drives in the state of Michigan.  Unfortunately, the trees were just starting to change color.  I would imagine that it would look nicer in a couple of weeks.
 It is also a very curvy road and you can see Lake Michigan at parts of it.  I saw a ship off on the horizon but I couldn't find a decent place to stop in order to get a decent picture of it.
 It was fairly busy but I was able to stop in order to get some pictures.  This also gives you a hint of the "tunnel" part of it.
One more shot of it.
We were going to eat dinner at Leg's Inn but it was surprisingly busy and it didn't look like we would get a place in a reasonable amount of time, so we continued on.

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