Friday, November 22, 2019

Catching the Sam Laud Again

The Calumet was followed pretty closely by this ship.
 I should have wrote down where she was heading from.  If I were going to guess, I would say that she was heading up from Cleveland because she spends alot of time there.
 I'd want to say that she was heading back up to Duluth (or one of the ports near there) but it looks like she was loaded.
 Given that she appears to be loaded, I don't think she was coming from Cleveland.
 Anyway, I was amazed at how much water it appeared that she was pushing.
 So I'm not sure where she was heading but I do know that there is not much that is typically loaded in the destination ports.
 One of the things I don't like it how it is getting dark earlier again.
 Framed by the Blue Water Bridge.
 Another shot with the bridge.
 And she starts to pass by.
 You can see some of the ice on the stones.
 Her pilothouse.
 The almost beam shot.
And she continues on into Lake Huron.

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